Here we are again, the year's drawing to a close and it's time to celebrate in the traditional internet way... with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Seeing as I didn't get as many entries as I hoped (with many being rushed), I decided to use all the entries i've received so everyone's featured right here. However like my first collab, everybody's entries (including my own) have been cut down and altered to try and make the best video possible. Sorry if you find this rushed or disappointing compared to my Call of Duty Collab earlier this year, Uni's been fun but very busy and both my entry for ILVG2 and The Rosen Venture: Part 7 has worn me out. Rest assured I'll be more prepared when I decide to do a third collab. Entrants: (links may be added later, idk) 0:00 Dave-K +Intro 2:08 SixtyForce YTP 3:10 Tripal 3:32 Turd McTruds 4:28 Comedyfan74 4:39 ReaderGamerSinger 5:43 Slay Skullmaster 6:15 Wrzeszcz 7:30 DTN7758 7:54 NitroEdits 9:33 DynoNoob + BreastHound 10:19 RootNegativeSixteen 11:56 Blasulz1234 12:24 TrailerPoopers 13:19 FameForSale + DrHotelMario 14:16 Reiden Lightman 15:41 IpoopKrabbyPatties 15:51 Babchak 17:22 DiabeetusPlams 19:18 Henry Bye The Wad Guy 19:33 Slothatron Gaming 20:01 RainingMarshmallows 20:15 Obviouslyly Special Thanks to FameForSale for co-hosting the collab (and coming up with the whole idea) and DrHotelMario for producing the thumbnail (with runners up being Interna and Palette Blockhead). Until Next Time, Adios Amigos! (oh and happy easter)